4488 SV PuN 67 179 Hospitalized by BenderRodriguez.
2010.May.05, 10:07 PM
RE: 4488 SV PuN 67 179 Hospitalized by BenderRodriguez.
Post: #155
what...you are not who you say you are...income taxes are only paid by those making over a certain wage that dont have credits..unless you are an extremely wealthy 90210 type kid you are basically fos
(2010.May.05 10:04 PM)johnsonhalo76 Wrote:  gave up at page 13. but believe it or not pun my school schedule starts at 9:00 am. i get there on time every day, sit through physics, ap english, and precalculus. move on to my student gov. class where i vainly try and get 30 lazy arse idiots who consider moving empty boxes useful to try and improve my school. next year i will have one class that won't give me college credit and that will be my studen gov class again which with any luck i will be the student body president of. after next year i will move onto pursue a degree in biomedical to become an ER surgeon. i am 17 and have been paying income taxes since i was 14.

gotta save this...14..what?...now im laughing out loud literally
This post was last modified: 2010.May.05 10:08 PM by Punisher.

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Messages In This Thread
RE: 4488 SV PuN 67 179 Hospitalized by BenderRodriguez. - jamestheshiner - 2010.May.05, 12:06 AM
RE: 4488 SV PuN 67 179 Hospitalized by BenderRodriguez. - jamestheshiner - 2010.May.05, 12:28 AM
RE: 4488 SV PuN 67 179 Hospitalized by BenderRodriguez. - Punisher - 2010.May.05 10:07 PM
RE: 4488 SV PuN 67 179 Hospitalized by BenderRodriguez. - OnwardTowardTheGlory - 2010.May.06, 05:06 AM