4488 SV PuN 67 179 Hospitalized by BenderRodriguez.
2010.May.04, 11:01 PM
RE: 4488 SV PuN 67 179 Hospitalized by BenderRodriguez.
Post: #28
Some people aren't team players!:

2858 DM Thor 54 42 Lost in combat to BlackClouds.

A hosping war going on like this, and someone is so selfish to just take the points earned for a leave, rather than help protect their gang members who are getting slammed!

Hope he's contributing cash wise, cause otherwise he's dead weight!
Awww, some people getting tired of being hosped!

Phisheva 50 82 Away
BlackClouds 55 27 Away
g2o2d4wp 54 27 Offline
SuperVags 51 27 Offline
Thrillhouse 48 27 Offline
BenderRodriguez 59 25 Offline
Thread Closed

Messages In This Thread
RE: 4488 SV PuN 67 179 Hospitalized by BenderRodriguez. - cheetah - 2010.May.04 11:01 PM
RE: 4488 SV PuN 67 179 Hospitalized by BenderRodriguez. - jamestheshiner - 2010.May.05, 12:06 AM
RE: 4488 SV PuN 67 179 Hospitalized by BenderRodriguez. - jamestheshiner - 2010.May.05, 12:28 AM
RE: 4488 SV PuN 67 179 Hospitalized by BenderRodriguez. - OnwardTowardTheGlory - 2010.May.06, 05:06 AM