Gang War History Suggestion
2008.Mar.22, 08:22 AM
Gang War History Suggestion
Post: #1
This may have been suggested already (I searched the forum and found nothing), but it would be nice to see who used career points for hideout repairs and such.

Messages In This Thread
[] - Howlsong - 2008.Mar.22, 10:35 PM
Gang War History Suggestion - nbsvtvt - 2008.Mar.22 08:22 AM
[] - Ushanewnewba - 2008.Mar.22, 08:54 AM
[] - drec92 - 2008.Mar.22, 09:41 AM
[] - Ushanewnewba - 2008.Mar.22, 10:38 AM
[] - cheetah - 2008.Mar.22, 03:46 PM