We have a new AL addict!
2007.Jul.09, 05:35 PM
We have a new AL addict!
Post: #1
Super Villains' own Moriarty and his wife just had their first child today. A very long and and overdue villain was brought here to today to wreck havok. And no, you may not recruit young James into any gang, he is ours! He has learned the ropes for months now...Congrats to you and your new addition my man....All of Al smiles for a minute.

I'll make you a star in the back seat of my car.

Messages In This Thread
We have a new AL addict! - chance - 2007.Jul.09 05:35 PM
[] - valleroy86 - 2007.Jul.09, 05:36 PM
[] - Dresicos - 2007.Jul.09, 05:41 PM
[] - Punisher - 2007.Jul.09, 05:58 PM
[] - Dormagonn - 2007.Jul.09, 06:00 PM
[] - Swizzler - 2007.Jul.09, 06:01 PM
[] - MrHyde - 2007.Jul.09, 06:08 PM
[] - Saerin - 2007.Jul.09, 06:57 PM
[] - mudpies - 2007.Jul.09, 09:39 PM
[] - Dingus - 2007.Jul.09, 09:44 PM
[] - Thor - 2007.Jul.09, 10:07 PM
[] - valleroy86 - 2007.Jul.09, 10:10 PM
[] - Howlsong - 2007.Jul.09, 11:32 PM
[] - psheehan78 - 2007.Jul.10, 12:50 AM
[] - Moriarty - 2007.Jul.10, 12:56 AM
[] - Rafallol - 2007.Jul.10, 02:50 AM
[] - ScottishArthur - 2007.Jul.10, 02:57 AM
[] - ShadowKid - 2007.Jul.10, 05:01 AM
[] - cheetah - 2007.Jul.10, 07:16 AM
[] - agamemnon - 2007.Jul.10, 12:01 PM
[] - badmanbren - 2007.Jul.10, 12:04 PM
[] - Nilynrae - 2007.Jul.11, 12:48 AM
[] - Dormagonn - 2007.Jul.26, 03:02 PM
[] - shadowinc - 2007.Jul.26, 04:18 PM
[] - Dresicos - 2007.Jul.26, 05:56 PM
[] - Punisher - 2007.Jul.26, 06:50 PM
[] - Dresicos - 2007.Jul.26, 06:55 PM