Seems Dusti and I were right on.
2010.Mar.10, 11:50 AM
RE: Seems Dusti and I were right on.
Post: #43
(2010.Mar.09 06:11 PM)Chymere Wrote:  I don't personally care for the lady, don't know her, didn't want to know her life. I did, however, care about the Battleground. I enjoyed the place.

A - Battleground was available only to AL players who had signed up for it. No pictures were hosted on That means no one came from Google and suddenly happened upon a LGV.

B - A thread was started by EightStar this weekend which backfired on her quite badly. She engaged in a bitter feud with established players, exposing personal information about players' relatives. People in turn exposed her AL sex life, she was flogged and requested the thread be closed.

C - A multitude of threads followed in which more insults were hurled at her by multiple players. Every time a thread was taken down, another would pop.

D - A "personal sounding" (per Zen) letter from a law firm was mailed the next business day. During that time, EightStar did not post, but I checked her status, curious to see if she was still hanging about. She was continually online on the boards.

E - From the timing, I came to the hypothesis that she was behind the legal threat. Blackhand, your answer to that was "seems you bit off more cheese than you could handle". Your screen name at that time was "EightStarIsMyQueen". Cheese indeed.

I never joined in the public lynching and never insulted her. I did, however, post that RL facts should be left off the board. That was my only comment on the whole situation until now (outside of a couple digs at Tommi, who can take it like a man).

So... connect A, B, C, D and E and you get to... F. Eff you Eightstar. Because you seeked sexual attention and drama, all of us are stuck being civil on the INTERNET. If you'd kept your RL drama off the boards, we'd still have a place to hang out and be losers. AL isn't speed dating.

B - Yeah I started that thread but it was for fun with Klaw who also wanted to post it. Had nothing to do with anything other than he had never posted a picture and we wanted to see some funny responses. I teased someone and they went over on the offensive and after repeated requests for them to just leave it at that I posted some info. I accept well played serves but they were just so emotionally weak over the initial teasing (which if it weren't true they shouldn't have been) that I yes I did post some personal info, except it was well after they posted personal stuff about me. Then they started posting pictures of me and my nephew which is against the rules. The initial idea of the thread did - yes - backfire but it wasn't started as an attack on anyone in any way - it was started as a friendly thread but was taken the wrong way.

D - Oh yeah like I have so much time and money to go and throw a lawsuit at an online game lol give me a break. That is a pathetic accusation that I would do that - and what, still play the game? I don't think so. I was yes on the boards but it was me laughing at stupid posts against me. I really couldn't care less what was posted about me honestly (which is why I didn't post back) as long as it is within the rules. Step out of line and I just may as well.

But um - wait - are you stalking me now??? hahahahaha

E - Again I was not behind the threat and Zen can surely back me up on this. That is just silly to think I would waste time doing that rather than just quit the game.

So no, it wasn't because of the drama, did you see all the LGV posts? That is what got the boards taken off. Trash talking is absolutely not what got them taken down. Do you even listen to yourself? Did you even read what Zen wrote?? Those LGV pictures are in view of minors, that is what the lawsuit said. It had nothing to do with what me.

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RE: Seems Dusti and I were right on. - EightStarPoints - 2010.Mar.11, 01:18 PM
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