Congratulations AbysmalPoptart!
2010.Jan.17, 01:49 PM
RE: Congratulations AbysmalPoptart!
Post: #17
(2010.Jan.17 11:14 AM)abysmalpoptart Wrote:  haha thanks everyone Smile a second coat of frosting sounds good!! and i'm hoping level 60 doesnt take another 2 years Smile maybe 1.5!


and yes i am a total pushover level 50, but at least i can pack a punch when randomlands is in my favor!

mmmmm punch & poptarts, every kids dream

9:42 pm
New! WilliamR (aka Punisher) attacked you and lost.

3:07 am
New! Howl attacked you and lost.
8:53 pm Conrad attacked you and lost.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Congratulations AbysmalPoptart! - Leopard - 2010.Jan.17 01:49 PM
RE: Congratulations AbysmalPoptart! - shadowinc - 2010.Jan.18, 03:33 PM
RE: Congratulations AbysmalPoptart! - dombone76 - 2010.Feb.18, 05:02 PM