(2010.Jan.04 10:16 AM)Nightwind Wrote: Should people have a way to levae their job the same day somehow?
If you do not do a job without leaving it and go 5 days without working you will be fired and lose a Job Level.
I really think you should be able to quit but AL won't let you do that after you work the same day.
I was sick and in the Hospital and and didn't play the game at all so lost a manufacturing level. I told Zen that I would have to Quit AL because you can't leave your job if you work at all for that day. She set the level for me after that.
Should people have a way to levae their job the same day somehow?
not unless you can prove you are bleeding from every orifice in your body.
isn't there already a thread about jobs somewhere in the forum archive...therefore, by druchii's rationale, this one is not necessary and should be closed.