Same IP
2006.Sep.02, 06:14 PM
Post: #5
for if u said his name once

and continue with out saying anothers name its fine if u refer to the person u are talking about as him/her

Messages In This Thread
[] - Kinger - 2006.Sep.02, 01:34 PM
Same IP - Kinger - 2006.Sep.02, 12:14 PM
[] - Inferno - 2006.Sep.02, 12:39 PM
[] - 666666 - 2006.Sep.02, 01:59 PM
[] - Inferno - 2006.Sep.02 06:14 PM
[] - 666666 - 2006.Sep.03, 03:01 AM
[] - noblebandit - 2006.Sep.03, 06:10 AM
[] - Inferno - 2006.Sep.03, 09:07 AM
[] - zenith - 2006.Sep.03, 12:33 PM
[] - Inferno - 2006.Sep.03, 09:31 PM
[] - zenith - 2006.Sep.03, 10:37 PM
[] - Inferno - 2006.Sep.04, 08:02 AM