Axe & Shotgun users wanted! Lv 5 and under
2009.Dec.17, 04:10 PM
Axe & Shotgun users wanted! Lv 5 and under
Post: #1
Looking to introduce a stronger role playing element ingame for newer players,,,look forward to missions to earn cash,,,reaching goals and rewards for stat gains and character development,,,send me a mail in game #(31175)

Axe and Shotgun users apply here,,,or mail ClosedCasket{31175}
Looking for serious minded intelligent members. 30 day introduction period to assess performance and capabilities after which members will be eligible for
The best weaponry and benefits!


Agree to a name change 
Mail Stats and current inventory info 
Apply with your goals for Awakendlands character development

Hand Of God

Messages In This Thread
Axe & Shotgun users wanted! Lv 5 and under - ClosedCasket - 2009.Dec.17 04:10 PM