Oh no's... I can't attack today?
2007.Jun.01, 06:12 PM
Re: re : Train
Post: #10
Stunderbuttz Wrote:LOL! I was just reading where you told someone to TRAIn because he coulsn't attack . His Hit points might have been there but if he was low on action points and happiness; that might have some bearing on ability to be aggressive as well ? Am I completely in error ? :shock: Smile
you can still attack if you have no action points or happiness.
Only things you need for attacking is:
1. Enough Energy
2. Enough Hit Points
3. Same District (for now) hehe

If God is our father, you thought, then Satan must be our cousin

Messages In This Thread
Oh no's... I can't attack today? - mahtareika - 2007.May.26, 09:04 AM
[] - mahtareika - 2007.May.26, 10:33 AM
[] - syntheticdarkness - 2007.May.26, 11:08 AM
[] - mahtareika - 2007.May.26, 11:14 AM
[] - syntheticdarkness - 2007.May.26, 11:37 AM
[] - mahtareika - 2007.May.26, 11:41 AM
[] - abysmalpoptart - 2007.May.26, 02:55 PM
[] - mahtareika - 2007.May.26, 02:57 PM
re : Train - Stunderbuttz - 2007.Jun.01, 05:08 PM
Re: re : Train - Eaglefreak - 2007.Jun.01 06:12 PM
[] - zenith - 2007.Jun.01, 07:58 PM