Become one of the Seven Deadly Sins
2009.Oct.14, 03:05 PM
Become one of the Seven Deadly Sins
Post: #1
7 Sins is looking for active members, bloodthirsty and ready for war!

Level 10+
Mature (more than Dingus)

We require 100 attacks per week in Gang wars. We war constantly.

Gang Loans for housing and item upgrades are available for members who have proven themselves.

This is the first stepping stone to becoming a member of 7 Laws

Apply now, or die later.
This post was last modified: 2009.Oct.15 02:58 PM by InPaceRequiscat.

4:30 pm FuN2PwN attacked you and lost. Zerkin ain't easy.
2:50 pm SuP3Rn00b attacked you and lost. Zerkin still ain't easy.
13.Aug.14 SuP3R1 attacked you and lost. See above.

Messages In This Thread
Become one of the Seven Deadly Sins - InPaceRequiscat - 2009.Oct.14 03:05 PM