Get Up Stand Up
2009.Oct.10, 11:03 AM
Get Up Stand Up
Post: #1
well going into my third year in the Awakened Lands community
some of you know me and some don't but here is a new recent
forum avatar for you I had made in an "alternate dimension"
but it nicely represents the old DJ I think before I cut my hair...

yeah I cut my damn hair off deal with it new videos at

other than that just sort of saying hello, and having fun back
with Soul Guardians now how are the rest of you doing???

Messages In This Thread
Get Up Stand Up - drasticjasper - 2009.Oct.10 11:03 AM
RE: Get Up Stand Up - JohnnyB - 2009.Oct.10, 11:20 AM
RE: Get Up Stand Up - JUSTJOHNNY - 2009.Oct.10, 12:55 PM
RE: Get Up Stand Up - g2o2d4wp - 2009.Oct.10, 03:06 PM