Mortgages/Credit **Beware longer than Poptart's**
2009.Aug.20, 02:14 PM
Mortgages/Credit **Beware longer than Poptart's**
Post: #1
Housing is fairly expensive, especially once you move past a Ranch....


This idea would be for newer players, allowing them to get a jump start in the game and catch up a bit. As there is no level cap (that I am aware of), and no availability to make alternate characters, Certain people will always be in the lead as far as levels, with no real opportunity for anyone to catch up, or at least become a challenge. This would also help address some of the stagnation issues this game faces.

The second part will be to cut down on loan-sharking, as if you have no rep on AL no one wants to loan you money.


What helps and hurts your credit report in real life?

1. Your amount of debt....
You will only be allowed a maximum of two loans at any given time.

2. Your credit history....
Your line of credit will increase as you make payments. You will not gain any increased line of credit if you pay your loan off early, or at least not as much. This will prevent players from getting loans and immediately paying them back, so as to quickly gain a vast credit history.

3. Your job.....
This will be the main player in what makes up the formula to your AL Credit Score. Your total hours worked will be referenced to how long you have worked for your current employer, and your career level obviously is the amount of money you make, as your debt to income ratio plays in. Only your current career will count, as though you might have 2 high level careers, in the current coding, only one of them you can work in at any given time, so only your current career will count.

Oh, but Inpace, what happens when I don't pay my loan?

Higher interest, penalties, and eventually the taking of housing, weapons and armor.

Interest will depend on your score, probably running from 1.0% to 20.0%. Interest will be done in unison with your payments due. Choosing a weekly or bi weekly plan may make you pay it off faster, but if you start missing payments it will rack up very quickly.

Penalties will be straightforward, 5% of your loan gets instantly added on to your total loan amount. Missing payments hurt your credit score, Missing multiple ones and getting something taken KILLS it. Interest will go up .5% per missed payment, up to the max of 20%

Specifically, with the taking of valuables, you may have a new crime, which will involve physically harming someone of authority to give you an extension, and get the items back. This can only happen once per loan, as to prevent abuse. This crime will also be high risk, and instead of it being a set-level crime, it will be the same % for success for every player. Nothing can be done to make it easier.

this is just rough, so please specifically point out what you feel is flawed, tell me why, and tell me what you think it should be.



Obviously this will all be under your bank tab.
This post was last modified: 2009.Aug.21 06:24 AM by InPaceRequiscat.

4:30 pm FuN2PwN attacked you and lost. Zerkin ain't easy.
2:50 pm SuP3Rn00b attacked you and lost. Zerkin still ain't easy.
13.Aug.14 SuP3R1 attacked you and lost. See above.

Messages In This Thread
Mortgages/Credit **Beware longer than Poptart's** - InPaceRequiscat - 2009.Aug.20 02:14 PM
RE: Mortgages/Credit **Beware longer than Poptart's** - filthymick - 2009.Aug.21, 11:37 PM