i need a gang to join!
2006.Aug.23, 08:11 PM
i need a gang to join!
Post: #1
I went out of town for a few days to find that I had been kicked out of mine! The nerve!

I login multiple times daily, and will be a good asset to your team. Anyone need a player?

Messages In This Thread
i need a gang to join! - FaceOwner - 2006.Aug.23 08:11 PM
[] - Chris Mangano - 2006.Aug.23, 10:26 PM
[] - FaceOwner - 2006.Aug.23, 10:28 PM
[] - Chris Mangano - 2006.Aug.23, 11:09 PM
[] - FaceOwner - 2006.Aug.23, 11:37 PM
[] - blade101 - 2006.Aug.24, 04:00 AM