Recent events have me thinking
2006.Aug.23, 03:49 PM
Recent events have me thinking
Post: #1
So the wealthiest person in the game is leaving and has left his fortune to a lucky few. We are talking more money than most people have in their banks combined. I am making this post to get everyone’s thoughts on the subject.

The thoughts below are simply to get you thinking and in no way represent my opinions.

Is it fair for someone to receive this huge amount of cash that hasn't truly earned it donating and or playing?

It’s their money why shouldn't they be able to give it to whoever they choose?

Are you just upset about it because it wasn't you that received the cash? Would you feel differently if it was?

Should there be some sort of tax on this just like the Government taxes these things?

Why should we even care?

Now it’s your turn.

Messages In This Thread
Recent events have me thinking - Sam I Am - 2006.Aug.23 03:49 PM
[] - Naught - 2006.Aug.23, 03:57 PM
[] - Inferno - 2006.Aug.23, 04:03 PM
Re: Recent events have me thinking - Chris Mangano - 2006.Aug.23, 04:06 PM
[] - Lostangel - 2006.Aug.23, 04:44 PM
[] - zenith - 2006.Aug.23, 04:45 PM
[] - Chris Mangano - 2006.Aug.23, 04:56 PM
[] - Lostangel - 2006.Aug.23, 05:47 PM
[] - zenith - 2006.Aug.23, 05:54 PM
[] - Sam I Am - 2006.Aug.23, 06:35 PM
[] - Naught - 2006.Aug.23, 06:45 PM
[] - Lostangel - 2006.Aug.24, 12:41 AM
[] - zenith - 2006.Aug.24, 01:25 AM
[] - DreadPiratePinky - 2006.Aug.24, 05:18 AM
[] - Naught - 2006.Aug.24, 05:48 AM
[] - DreadPiratePinky - 2006.Aug.24, 05:51 AM
[] - Sam I Am - 2006.Aug.24, 07:08 AM
[] - Lostangel - 2006.Aug.24, 07:43 AM
[] - Sam I Am - 2006.Aug.24, 07:58 AM
[] - Jack Daniels - 2006.Aug.24, 08:11 AM
[] - Naught - 2006.Aug.24, 08:14 AM
[] - Lostangel - 2006.Aug.24, 08:17 AM
[] - DreadPiratePinky - 2006.Aug.24, 08:20 AM
[] - Lostangel - 2006.Aug.24, 08:29 AM
[] - Sam I Am - 2006.Aug.24, 08:51 AM
[] - Naught - 2006.Aug.24, 09:01 AM
[] - Lostangel - 2006.Aug.24, 09:57 AM
[] - beelzebub - 2006.Aug.24, 10:38 AM
[] - Sam I Am - 2006.Aug.24, 10:51 AM
[] - Lostangel - 2006.Aug.24, 11:15 AM
[] - DreadPiratePinky - 2006.Aug.24, 11:25 AM
[] - zenith - 2006.Aug.24, 01:14 PM
[] - Lostangel - 2006.Aug.24, 01:30 PM
[] - DreadPiratePinky - 2006.Aug.24, 01:32 PM