Poll: do AL people really need so much protection?
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do you think that AL people really need so much protection?
2009.Jul.28, 05:43 PM
RE: do you think that AL people really need so much protection?
Post: #74
(2009.Jul.28 11:01 AM)TheHorse Wrote:  So basically if Thor was to try hosping me he would get the same result as stated above since the hosps his refering to were done pre code change.

And Thor I would like to point a few things out. There are only 3 spots between us in battle stats. Yes I know you have borgs. But and ive seen a few posts from players about this very issue. The reason behind all these losses are not based on just stats but skills as well. A lot of players seem to forget how much of an impact skills have made since being introduced.

Also Thor your last 3 leave attacks were not 0-500. the last one was just over 500 which was because my belt was at 0%. the other 2 were 1239 and 1429 damage.
First, thanks for pointing those out, I already feel better I didnt lose to a weak player (no sarcasm here).

And im also glad to see those results (I cant see no fights with you in any of my logs), seems I'm human and can forget things after all...

You also have to forget us, old farts as we have lived through hell and heaven, many changes, some good, some bad, some helped weaker players, some stronger ones.

The only thing I'll go against your post is about berserk.
Berserk wasn't made to help a stronger player beat a guy a little bit weaker than him, it was made so weaker players could have a shot at stronger players when they had enough.

I'm also starting to get lost cuz I dont think theres 2 persons talking about the same part of code in this thread... And now Connie is asking about the gang points system which is way off topic.

p.s. I was nothing personal William, I talked about you as you were the last 1 I remembered losing to with the hosp option.

Messages In This Thread
RE: do you think that AL people really need so much protection? - Thor - 2009.Jul.28 05:43 PM