2007.May.10, 08:40 PM
Post: #2
Going from the Villa to the Ranch is a big step up. All previous house upgrades you got at most an increase of 75 happiness. The Ranch is the first house upgrade to actually give you +100 to happiness.

Just wait till you get to Midlan District, the differences in house prices are insane!



Messages In This Thread
Housing - mudpies - 2007.May.10, 08:21 PM
[] - syntheticdarkness - 2007.May.10 08:40 PM
[] - mudpies - 2007.May.10, 08:47 PM
[] - Ushanewnewba - 2007.May.10, 09:01 PM
[] - mudpies - 2007.May.10, 09:04 PM
[] - zappafrank - 2007.May.10, 11:49 PM