Badluck + former soldiers of dissidence
2009.May.19, 09:56 AM
RE: Badluck + former soldiers of dissidence
Post: #10
(2009.May.19 09:50 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote:  If the leader's been gone for a long while, AND another gang does own the rights to that gang, someone can be presented with gang leadership upon request to service the gang.

However, if the leader of said gang, perhaps, defected from said leader gang, then it is no longer in the possession of the leader gang, but of the smaller gang(With consequences leading the way).

Dunno the whole situation, but things'll turn up, eventually.

What started off as just a mere finding a good replacement for a fed jailed prez turned into a removal of the gang from the family. I pissed in this guys wheaties when I wouldnt give him the gang presidency due to "corruption" as he put it.

It's all good though, he's getting my reaction to his "hate mails" that he decided to send me. *shrugs* Guys not worth a crap anyway. He's just like Silvarian was, trash talker, and to be honest I think the only reason Silvarian wanted in the Dissidence family was so that he could talk more trash and threaten retaliation via Dissidence if anyone said or did anything to him.

We solved that problem, he's on his own.

Messages In This Thread
Badluck + former soldiers of dissidence - acid25 - 2009.May.18, 05:21 PM
RE: Badluck + former soldiers of dissidence - blame88 - 2009.May.18, 05:38 PM
RE: Badluck + former soldiers of dissidence - BadLuck - 2009.May.18, 09:11 PM
RE: Badluck + former soldiers of dissidence - acid25 - 2009.May.19, 03:26 PM
RE: Badluck + former soldiers of dissidence - BadLuck - 2009.May.19, 09:42 AM
RE: Badluck + former soldiers of dissidence - BadLuck - 2009.May.19 09:56 AM
RE: Badluck + former soldiers of dissidence - BadLuck - 2009.May.19, 10:13 AM
RE: Badluck + former soldiers of dissidence - acid25 - 2009.May.19, 04:07 PM
RE: Badluck + former soldiers of dissidence - BadLuck - 2009.May.19, 04:29 PM
RE: Badluck + former soldiers of dissidence - SisterLynx - 2009.May.19, 04:31 PM
RE: Badluck + former soldiers of dissidence - BadLuck - 2009.May.19, 05:04 PM
RE: Badluck + former soldiers of dissidence - acid25 - 2009.May.19, 05:29 PM
RE: Badluck + former soldiers of dissidence - SisterLynx - 2009.May.19, 05:37 PM
RE: Badluck + former soldiers of dissidence - badmanbren - 2009.May.20, 06:15 PM