Test Server - Cyberware Removal
2009.May.06, 01:20 PM
RE: Test Server - Cyberware Removal
Post: #22
(2009.May.06 12:13 PM)zenith Wrote:  Think of the scientist as taking a couple cells from the recipient, then growing the cells into the replacement tissue in a lab. The player just has to wait.

Once the tissue is completed, the medic comes into the picture. All the medic does is remove the old cyberware and replace it with the tissue grown by the scientist. Once that surgery happens, the recipient is thrown into the hospital.

I guess you wait 13-14 days for the scientist to grow your new tissue, then you bring it to the medic who does the actual switch, and off to the hospital you go to heal.

Messages In This Thread
Test Server - Cyberware Removal - zenith - 2009.May.06, 03:34 AM
RE: Test Server - Cyberware Removal - shadowinc - 2009.May.06, 05:18 AM
RE: Test Server - Cyberware Removal - rado360 - 2009.May.06, 07:44 AM
RE: Test Server - Cyberware Removal - rado360 - 2009.May.06, 08:12 AM
RE: Test Server - Cyberware Removal - Chymere - 2009.May.06, 11:51 AM
RE: Test Server - Cyberware Removal - Chymere - 2009.May.06 01:20 PM
RE: Test Server - Cyberware Removal - Chymere - 2009.May.06, 12:27 PM
RE: Test Server - Cyberware Removal - buuddha - 2009.May.06, 01:04 PM
RE: Test Server - Cyberware Removal - buuddha - 2009.May.06, 05:04 PM
RE: Test Server - Cyberware Removal - Chymere - 2009.May.06, 02:31 PM
RE: Test Server - Cyberware Removal - Chymere - 2009.May.06, 08:56 PM
RE: Test Server - Cyberware Removal - Chymere - 2009.May.06, 09:00 PM