Repeat Thread: Fighting in Jail.
2009.Apr.19, 10:08 PM
Repeat Thread: Fighting in Jail.
Post: #1
Possible idea: Fighting in jail.

Details: You can fight in jail, since you can gain energy every 5 minutes. When you do fight, it'll warn you of the dangers of this; Adding of jail time equal to hospital time given(If won), hospital time on top of jail time(If lost), both adding jail time for number of rounds x 2(Stalemate).

This is also a chance to add new weapons and situations to the game(Using EP or left over AP[more EP/less AP] to produce make-shift shanks) to the game, seeing as people can exactly be equipped to the teeth with weapons in jail/prison. Also, perhaps a time to implement a fist fighting system to where if someone was as unequipped as you are, it'll do as much damage as regular weapons.

Again; Opinions. I know people have brought the fighting in jail up before, but I thought this was a little different.

Messages In This Thread
Repeat Thread: Fighting in Jail. - TommiTheTaco - 2009.Apr.19 10:08 PM