Easter mini comp for noobs(upto level 20)
2009.Apr.10, 02:17 AM
Easter mini comp for noobs(upto level 20)
Post: #1
Nice tie-in to AL, but semi-offensive to a few. I'll remove it and leave the rest. Sorry.

On Sunday(starting midnight gametime)i will return.
I will be armed only with a shortsword.
No armor or belt.
So come get some xp and bravery points.
I will give prizes for best hit,and
Longest stay in hospital.
This post was last modified: 2009.Apr.10 06:24 PM by zenith.

synth v.03.112371

Messages In This Thread
Easter mini comp for noobs(upto level 20) - errorist - 2009.Apr.10 02:17 AM
RE: Easter mini comp for noobs(upto level 20) - ZhuSeth - 2009.Apr.10, 04:03 AM
RE: Easter mini comp for noobs(upto level 20) - ZhuSeth - 2009.Apr.10, 04:26 AM
RE: Easter mini comp for noobs(upto level 20) - killer012000 - 2009.Apr.10, 12:25 PM
RE: Easter mini comp for noobs(upto level 20) - killer012000 - 2009.Apr.10, 06:46 PM
RE: Easter mini comp for noobs(upto level 20) - killer012000 - 2009.Apr.12, 08:51 PM