thedog77 Wrote:thanks bbh and whats comp about
It will be a guessing competition, fairly similar to Raf's except you won't have to send me any money.
You will have to give me 3 correct numbers related to a certain topic. But you must be careful, as 1 incorrect guess eliminates you from the competition. This means this competition will require teamwork among each gang and potentially their allies (including talks perhaps to share the winnings).
To explain this now and later so people understand, an incorrect guess can be met by the following ways:
1. On your first guess, you get none of the correct numbers. If you guess at least 1/3 correctly, then you get another guess.
2. On your second guess (assuming you got at least 1 of 3), you must get either the remaining numbers correct or at least 1 of the 2. If you do not, you are eliminated.
3. On your third guess, you now only have one number left to guess. You either get it right, or you are out of the competition.