Turkeyrun Contest
2008.Nov.27, 05:39 PM
Post: #121
Freaking razor taloned creatures are kicking my @$$
2008.Nov.27, 05:39 PM
Post: #122
ice one
2008.Nov.27, 05:54 PM
Post: #123
Your heaviest turkey was 17.531 kilograms (38.649 pounds).

Finally turkey to be proud of.

But their is one that they fear. In their tongue it is nova-king, DRAGONBORN!
2008.Nov.27, 05:55 PM
Post: #124
Your heaviest turkey was 17.671 kilograms (38.958 pounds).

My turkey can beat your turkey. :oops:
2008.Nov.27, 06:03 PM
Post: #125
Your heaviest turkey was 17.118 kilograms (37.739 pounds).

Woot! Not the heaviest so far, but I'm proud. Smile

ETA: Scored a bigger one!
Your heaviest turkey was 18.079 kilograms (39.857 pounds).
2008.Nov.27, 06:36 PM
Post: #126
so nobody hit the 40s yet?highest is 39 or what??

True knowledge exists in knowing that you know nothing.
2008.Nov.27, 06:39 PM
Post: #127
drec92 Wrote:so nobody hit the 40s yet?highest is 39 or what??

Highest I've seen posted is the one that I posted. I would have thought someone would have hit the 40's by now.
2008.Nov.27, 06:41 PM
Post: #128
yea me 2
i hope thiers no bugs
man these turkeys r picky Twisted

True knowledge exists in knowing that you know nothing.
2008.Nov.27, 06:44 PM
Post: #129
I know 2 people that have ones over 40 lbs.

Support your local 81

(ºº) Biffi ----->

I own inpaces left nut. See here.
2008.Nov.27, 06:48 PM
Post: #130
is this a one player win contest or mutiple?

True knowledge exists in knowing that you know nothing.