2008.Jul.21, 01:51 PM
Post: #141
Thoose last one's by w00k and Marlo were just plain mean.
2008.Jul.21, 01:52 PM
Post: #142
thatthingufear Wrote:Thoose last one's by w00k and Marlo were just plain mean.

Dont worry not the first time i heard that?
2008.Jul.21, 01:52 PM
Post: #143
thatthingufear Wrote:Thoose last one's by w00k and Marlo were just plain mean.

Deal with it, I've said much worse.

"Do you see what happens, Larry? Do you see what happens when you fuck a stranger in the ass?! This is what happens, Larry! This is what happens when you fuck a stranger in the ass! "
2008.Jul.21, 01:53 PM
Post: #144
If you ask me they're not dead. The guys all for sympathy votes.
2008.Jul.21, 01:54 PM
Post: #145
badmanbren Wrote:If you ask me they're not dead. The guys all for sympathy votes.

How did you know?
2008.Jul.21, 01:54 PM
Post: #146
w00k Wrote:Deal with it, I've said much worse.

Oh so VERY true
2008.Jul.21, 01:55 PM
Post: #147
I could care less either way. He's still a dooshbag whether he's an orphan or not.

"Do you see what happens, Larry? Do you see what happens when you fuck a stranger in the ass?! This is what happens, Larry! This is what happens when you fuck a stranger in the ass! "
2008.Jul.21, 01:55 PM
Post: #148
You might actually benefit something in here then.

1) People hate scammer.
2) People hate liar
3) People hate someone to say sorry and doing the same thing again.
4) A Kid doesn't meant its OK to annoy people.

At last, sorry to hear that about your family. I will take my name out of your hosp queue just this time.

2008.Jul.21, 02:02 PM
Post: #149
ur still in my shitlist

kick the real world in the sac
2008.Jul.21, 02:02 PM
Post: #150
LikeWhoa Wrote:ur still in my shitlist

same ^^;