Valhalla overtakes Super Villains
2008.May.24, 08:14 PM
Post: #121
g2o2d4wp Wrote:thought so
I need to send you a pic that I took the other day mudpies

Muddy's Bake Shop

its a bakery near my wife's hair salon

could make a nice avatar, MP.

Round 1
Conrad hits g2o2d4wp for 1338 damage.
Round 2
Conrad hits g2o2d4wp for 1373 damage.
Round 4
Conrad hits g2o2d4wp for 1151 damage. g2o2d4wp sulks.
2008.May.25, 02:05 AM
Post: #122
mud - GR and Bishop joined us a couple of months after we formed SV, kind of signalled the end of marvel

Conrad attacked the Wranglers and Lost.

Fighting Phish since 2007
2008.May.25, 03:17 AM
Post: #123
andyscho Wrote:mud - GR and Bishop joined us a couple of months after we formed SV, kind of signalled the end of marvel

right on, I remember now. He was considering jumping ship for a good while.

Poor guy couldn't even focus on checking in guests at the hotel.
2008.May.25, 03:22 AM
Post: #124
you heard from him at all? if you do tell him im now beating him up hes been gone that long

Conrad attacked the Wranglers and Lost.

Fighting Phish since 2007
2008.May.25, 05:22 AM
Post: #125
At least hes having fun in Vegas now Smile

Yeah, once bish and gr came over, marvel was pretty much officially gone. As the world turns or dust blows or some similarly appropriate statement fits here.

edit....sorry memory is failing me in my old age Smile

2008.May.25, 05:33 AM
Post: #126
Ye, PSSST you'se are forgetting I came over too! Just I went to Evil Twins to meet Siren and Arthur. Smile
2008.May.25, 08:22 AM
Post: #127
It is correct Valhalla was not our first choice, but it ended up being the best choice.

I approached DM a long time ago, and all I kept hearing was. "my people, my people, my people.." What if we get in a hosp war. ahhhhhhh, my people. It seemed a little over dramatci, but whatever, clearly those in charge at the time would have suffered a mental breakdown when it came to war time.

Then I noticed another gang, Valhalla. I had never heard fo them before and was suprised to see how high up they were. Even better was they were actually willing to have an intelligent conversation on merging.

Val had original conerns that I feel after merger we quickly squashed. Though they shared concernes, they didn't whine about it like DM did at the time.

Yes, we did hitch a ride, it was the smartest thing to do. I have paid my debts in gangs with tens of millions of AL money. I did not feel it necessary to do it all over again. I feel comfortable in the fact that we in pimpstars have made up for not being there in the beginning, and will continue to do so for a good while.

Still, I feel even though Valhalla has passed SV in gang war points, we are no match for individual warring with SV. SV has just way too many career points. DM is another case, before howlsong joined DM they would have NEVER had a chance taking Valhalla one on one. Now they have an UBER repairer, they will fair much better.

Originally hearing about the DM SV alliance, I was annoyed and thought it was an incredibly cowardly act. Thinking about it more, I changed what I thought about the situation. EVERY time a force rises that can compete with the #1 #2 people or gangs in AL, there is a self preservation move, normally requiring an alliance with another top tier gang. It was a good move, but still a disappointing one. I really looked forward to the days of 3 gangs warring each other and staying competitive. I still laugh at the the idea of the two merged though, just figures. Good move, but guess it's to be expected.
2008.May.25, 09:26 AM
Post: #128
Sounds kinda bitter to me.
2008.May.25, 09:31 AM
Post: #129
2008.May.25, 09:31 AM
Post: #130
i was pres of marvel knights for awhile till bishop convinced me to move up to marvel villains (i believe), and then that gang became evil twins..

edit: knights was a lower level gang, but loyal to marvel to the end