how often we ask the same questions. im not trying to be mean to anybody, but for people like me who use the forum search feature, it only complicates searching, making them more difficult as well as me wanting to pull my hair out when theres 18 diff threads for the same exact issue and my simple search takes longer than it should.
and if you look here at the forum rules:
#'s 2 & 3 clearly state:
Quote:# Check that your question isn't answered anywhere else - Most forum users seem to overlook the obvious. If you have a question, chances are someone else might have asked it already.
# Search before posting - Please try to use the search feature on the website prior to starting a new topic regarding a problem you are experiencing. Chances are, due to the rapid postings on the forum, your problem may have been solved already or a problem similar to it. By searching prior to posting, you will help yourself by find a solution sooner, and keep the newer problems in focus.
please people, search. It'll answer your question faster than waiting for a reply
allright. im done with the soapbox. i apologize, but please show some common courtesy. i am really sick of doing very specific searches and still having 2 pages of results appear.
EDIT: LMAO....u said soapbox while i was typing that and said soapbox. that was a quick transfer of the mic