2008.Apr.01, 03:57 PM
Post: #1
Just wonder how i can have over 1000 hp when my max is 950.

TheGunslinger Donator: 1 Days Left
User ID : 12971
Gang Tag : -THC-
Level: 18
Money: $0
Credits: 109

Energy: 7 / 46

Action Points: 10 / 39

Hit Points: 1014 / 950

1.) You hit for 1407 points of damage. xxxxxxx resists 16 for a total of 1391 damage.
2008.Apr.01, 04:40 PM
Post: #2
It's a bug, just click refresh, it will disappear and you will not receive a bonus in attack and or defense because of it. It apparently is just a numerical bug.