How about an IRC chat page?
2008.Mar.19, 01:03 AM
Post: #21
everyone will try it, if they dont like it, keep away from it simple as
2008.Mar.19, 03:35 AM
Post: #22
i could look into this and actually make it happen if you guys want it to happen. there would need to be some people wanting to mod the room though and that bot idea is great.

It wouldn't be connected to the site, but just a HTML link or IRC information (mIRC, xchat, chatzilla, etc.)

If you people want to see it happen I can try and get it to happen. I believe I know people that can get this done for you. It just may take a few days to get a hold of people.

And if they wanted to gangs could have their own chat room if need be.

reply back here and or pm me in the game if you want this to happen.
2008.Mar.19, 05:12 AM
Post: #23
uncomfortably alone there ^^,

Key to success: "Dress everyday like you're gonna get murdered in those clothes.
2008.Mar.19, 10:42 AM
Post: #24
Thanks, now we can see if this will catch on!
2008.Mar.19, 03:56 PM
Post: #25
I will Idle the channel because I like the Idea, So far I've only come across 2 people.
2008.Mar.19, 05:15 PM
Post: #26
This is awsome if even more people came it would be so much better though.
2008.Mar.20, 01:19 PM
Post: #27
well, the gang idea is good. like they can set a time for everybody in the gang to be there, then talk about whatever when the time comes
2008.Mar.21, 02:12 PM
Post: #28
This is pretty cool. check it out.
2008.Mar.22, 02:24 AM
Post: #29
Eaglefreak Wrote:The biggest issues I see with live chat (from other games that have them) is it is very hard to Moderate what is said on them. Sure you can block certain words but there will allways be a way around it. I feel that if there was one on this game, and how tempers flair, there would be a LOT of fowl language presented on it.

I would like to see one but have to present "both sides". :roll:

The fowl words are censored, well most are and there is a way around it but if there is a mod around we can kick them out. One person used words we didn't like and we just kicked him, if it ever gets really bad we can ban a person from ever coming back, but at least we have the fowl words censored now.
2008.Apr.08, 11:49 PM
Post: #30
Whatever happened to the sticky?