short blade or blunt
2012.May.19, 12:06 PM
short blade or blunt
Post: #1
how come i dont ever hear about anyone using these weapon types? any serious short bladed or blunt melee users?

FilthyMick hits Ramon Wiley for 1849 damage. Ramon Wiley resists 43 for a total of 1806 damage.
2012.May.19, 12:29 PM
RE: short blade or blunt
Post: #2
I think most people don't choose blunt because it takes too much intell and people would rather use their credits (or career points) on endurance.

Proud US Navy Veteran
Just because you CAN cuss doesn't mean you NEED to....
2012.May.19, 03:06 PM
RE: short blade or blunt
Post: #3
i know konyen had that whyp for a while i think it was blunt. i knew someone else that rolled with a cestus but idk how their doin or if they still use those

FilthyMick hits Ramon Wiley for 1849 damage. Ramon Wiley resists 43 for a total of 1806 damage.
2012.May.19, 08:23 PM
RE: short blade or blunt
Post: #4
Blunt requires a different set of skill and plan to pull it off.

With the introduction of skill, there is more incentive to go with Intelligent weapon.

2012.May.22, 02:17 AM
RE: short blade or blunt
Post: #5
Short blade is the best weapon for PvP. However it's requires you level both acc, and str. Because of this most players don't use it. Also with blunt and Short blade we are to use semi high intel than swap to high endurance for weapons. That's a negtive as well.

But their is one that they fear. In their tongue it is nova-king, DRAGONBORN!
2012.May.22, 09:32 AM
RE: short blade or blunt
Post: #6
flyingdutchman uses a blunt i thinki know his intel is prolly higher than my end. but he like never plays anymore i dont think

FilthyMick hits Ramon Wiley for 1849 damage. Ramon Wiley resists 43 for a total of 1806 damage.