Cyber implants and their stat increase
2007.Oct.13, 09:31 AM
Cyber implants and their stat increase
Post: #1
What I'm basically wondering about is the implants effectiveness.

Is it so that implants can generate a level ontop of the stats you have? Like if I buy an accuracy implant, then if i have level 10 accuracy the implant will give me level 11.

At that point, the implant is equal to 1000dev points, giving some stat increase.

I then train up my accuracy to level 15, and then I have level 16 with the implant. The implant is now equal to 2000 or more dev points. (I'm talking here without the dev points numbers needed for each stat level)

so if I get 4 accuracy implants, and continue to level up accuracy, the effectiveness of my implants will increase?

In my eyes that has no foundation in reality. And it will make implants to powerfull in the end, when people have around level 50 acc and need 30 000dev points to levle up accuracy, instead they can just buy an implant that gives 30 000 points in an instant.

I think implants should scale with the players level, and not the players attribute level. what is the general populations thoughts on this?

Key to success: "Dress everyday like you're gonna get murdered in those clothes.
2007.Oct.13, 09:48 AM
Post: #2
LOL, sorry IMO cybers are not strong enough.

If stupidity bothers you, click here for a solution.
2007.Oct.13, 11:05 AM
Post: #3
i think the benefits of not having cyberware outweigh the benefits of actually having cyberware at this point, until much later in the game when it takes weeks and weeks to train 1 stat point. thats just IMO, since if i were to buy cyberware now, i would lose humanity and fall even further away from the people who are owning me at training Sad
2007.Oct.13, 11:19 AM
Post: #4
eh, Cybers WERE huge back when there were hosping wars. You could stim out and play forever not wasting med packs, while your health was taking forever to get you into fair condition. I wouldn't suggest Cybers to anyone not in the top 10 battle stats. Remember also, to only do the most expensive upgrades to save your humanity.

If stupidity bothers you, click here for a solution.
2007.Oct.13, 11:42 AM
Post: #5
But then again, you have 2 choices wit hcybers. Take the cheapest ones and waste a ton of humanity (don't do like this noob who didn't know better when cybers first got out...) or you can go for the most expensive to save that humanity but you will realize soon enough that it start to cost a ton of money real quick.

Here's one of mine if I want next upgrade:
5 out of 12 300 minutes $1,680,000
2007.Oct.13, 04:49 PM
Post: #6
hydro9226 Wrote:But then again, you have 2 choices wit hcybers. Take the cheapest ones and waste a ton of humanity (don't do like this noob who didn't know better when cybers first got out...) or you can go for the most expensive to save that humanity but you will realize soon enough that it start to cost a ton of money real quick.

Here's one of mine if I want next upgrade:
5 out of 12 300 minutes $1,680,000

Off topic but I am selling my mentor....1 mil gets the french speaking borg
2007.Oct.13, 05:21 PM
Post: #7
IMO, cyberwares are not where they should be. I think a cyberware stat should act just like a regular stat in combat. I mean it says +1 so it should be +1. I hate the fact that my +5 cyberware is less effective than +1 in natural stats. Msybe I'm mistaken though. It seems like I've spent a whole lot of money and sacrificed all that humanity for something thats not very effective.
2007.Oct.13, 11:55 PM
Post: #8
I'm pretty sure cybers are worth what it says, +1 level but I wish they would count outside battles too. After all, when you get a cyber implant, you're stuck with it all the time, not just in battle. We get a small return IMO, for a great investment, in both humanity (deprives us of natural stats that counts in EVERY aspects of the game) and in money that's hard enough to gain, at least for those who can't donate 100's of $$$. And that's not to mention the slower happiness refresh, slower life regen and who knows what other little secret/surprise Zen might have hidden in there. Smile
2007.Nov.03, 09:54 AM
Post: #9
about 2 months ago when i was bored and browsing thru the links and found the cyberware link, i think i saw END+ cyber implants and now there arent any. was there ever any END+ implants on the market or was i imagining it?
2007.Nov.03, 11:46 AM
Post: #10
you was iimagining it