(2010.Jan.02 09:16 PM)BrokenGlass Wrote: I am curious if it makes up for its inadequacies through the game by extending its artificial strength.......I surmise it doesn't move much.......
![[Image: base_media.jpg]](http://i459.photobucket.com/albums/qq313/wraithlord_album/base_media.jpg)
Main Entry: pri·ma don·na
Pronunciation: \ˌpri-mə-ˈdä-nə, ˌprē-\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural prima donnas
Etymology: Italian, literally, first lady
Date: 1782
1 : a principal female singer in an opera or concert organization
2 : a vain or undisciplined person who finds it difficult to work under direction or as part of a team
I think I work QUITE well with my team (gang), as I rarely jeopardize them as you do yours. And if I do, I can at least step in and do something about it, unlike some people, ahem.
I have already had mails asking if we can start with your gang again, and from lower levels who pay far more the price than I do for wars like that.
My answer was it was up to them, as they are the ones who end up spending more.
Nice try, you can call me what you want, but the one thing I am is a team player!