Funny how this thread is filled with so many crappy posts from members that have nothing to do with the situation, nor anything useful to add to the conversation.
As such,
I will continue that trend.
First things first,
9 pages and Buudha has not posted anything at all publicly in response.
Talk about taking the high-road, +1 to respect points.
(edit, he posted on page 10 before I could hit "Post Reply", but respect points remain valid)
the multiple attacks at the same time thing has been around and discussed previously ad nauseum, probably the second-most-common-recurring-drekthread on the board, aside from the bi-monthy "bubba" threads.

You can't blame them for stumbling across a good thing, and then doing everything they can to take advantage of it. (don't give me any drek, not like the 7laws / crunchy credit fiasco, this isn't a hidden exploit, it's something that is fairly common knowledge and something that has been discussed at length. Ignorance of this strategy is not just cause to bash it)
I can't help but think that the whining about favoritism is often thinly-veiled jealousy and envy. Don't get all Tituba and Sarah Goode on others because they have better farmland than you.
No apparent cheating, no exploit, just a lucky find, and some good teamwork.
Sucks that it happened to Buudha, he's one of the nicest guys in the game,
and kinda drekky that the bragging threads were posted, and airing all the laundry in a public forum, but drek happens.
If any of the people crying foul in this thread were in SVs place, you'd be defending your actions and counting your money too.