(2009.Jun.23 09:29 PM)chance Wrote: The xmas war was Ill. Marlo cried like a lil batch
Actually he did not want the war to end.We decided to vote on it...sv's know what we mean!
We took into consideration the best interests of our younger gangs.I believe 70% of us wanted the war to continue forever.However in the best interests of those few that wanted out we retired the war.If it had been up to me,weebs,marlo,raf,behemoth and the likes that war would still be raging now.
We also took into consideration the financial side of it.SV's and the villls in general search out the donators of the game.Individually you could afford all the stims we were making you use.In our case we had 4 or 5 major donators who would supply the whole gang/gangs.The financial burden on those 5,myself included made unnatainable.Had we had to just supply ourselves,as sv's do,it would have been a different matter.
For the record those weak little guys that were in our gangs back then were more than happy to take a pounding from the likes of "she ra" and "wonderwoman".I guess it looked impressive to have a level 10 in hospital for 5 hours by a menstrual player 30+ levels higher.They rarely moaned,just a couple did,but we stood strong.
It was a bold call to retire from the war but propjoe made that decision in the best interests of the 30% who wanted to end it.
So there ya have it chance.All you could do was hit the lowbies.I loved tick hunting your ass.