For quite some time now, upper level players have been having difficulty finding offline players to attack for experience.
There are a few reasons for this:
1. It takes much time and patience to train and get to level 30+, so fewer players have achieved this.
2. The existing higher level players achieved their weighted status by being online and playing many hours every day. Because they are hardly ever offline (except to sleep. yes they even play at work!)
, and because most players wait to attack until game status is "offline," there are a very limited number of realistic targets to attack.
3. You can't attack members of your own gang, so that further diminishes the pool of attackable players.
4. The
retirement district has taken a good number of attackable inactive players.
In the past I had suggested about a dozen high level NPCs be added so that there would be more available targets for PVP combat. Seeing that was something that was never realized, I have another suggestion.
ONLINE attacks. All of the higher level players generally carry stims. So this may be a viable option. This isn't against the rules, but i'd like to know how everyone feels about online attacks being the rule rather than the exception?