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bank robbery - Printable Version

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bank robbery - abysmalpoptart - 2007.Mar.07 08:55 PM

i someone mentioned the idea of bank robbery - a crime that would affect all players banks, low % of the money, etc, and it was thrown out as a bad idea because no banks should be touched


considering the new 10% thing for the credit market where you can wire your money to the bank for 10%

maybe half of that money can go to the "decatur city bank" and it can be robbed? then the money gained from the crime would be based on luck and game activity

not something you would want to try more than once per day

- gepetto - 2007.Mar.07 09:08 PM


Suggesting bank robbery in this game is a sure way to become VERY POPULAR (wink, wink)... (as I found out a few weeks ago).

OTOH, I have some experience with disabling alarms, meet me behind the bank in 1 hour....

- Thor - 2007.Mar.07 10:07 PM

Get to 9 members and do it all together!!

It gives great money and I mean really GREAT money when you succeed and good respect points for the gang. Smile

- abysmalpoptart - 2007.Mar.08 03:17 AM

note: i said it is decatur banks PERSONAL funds, not players' money Smile hence - if you rob the bank, you arent robbing players of any money, youre robbing the bank managers (NPCS OMG).

its different and stuff :/