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Most Liked Player of the Year Award. - Printable Version

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Most Liked Player of the Year Award. - TheGeek - 2007.Feb.23 02:09 PM

Taking nominations, then it'll be poll time. After the vote, an award will be issued by yours truly to the winner of the first annual "Most Liked Awakened Lands Player"

Send me a mail ingame with your nomination. (Name and ID number) and like/dislike in the subject line, I will then post the top 3 most nominated for a vote.

- Druchii - 2007.Feb.23 02:43 PM

couldnt you rather do an open nomination? people nominate a player of their choice and then make a short post of why they wanna nominate that person.

- TheGeek - 2007.Feb.23 02:52 PM

I chose this way so that the 'disliked' award could be anonymously nominated. wouldnt want anyone suffering reprocussions for their opinion.

- FaceOwner - 2007.Feb.23 02:53 PM

couldn't this be measured by who is on the most people's "friends" list? same for enemy?

- TheGeek - 2007.Feb.23 02:56 PM

Not really, the friends and enemies lists are not only outdated, but also used for other purposes. I put all related gang members there for fast mail access and all my current xp targets in enemies. so its not a good measurement.

- TheGeek - 2007.Feb.23 09:27 PM

The response to this years most liked/disliked players award has been great so far!! In only a few hours I have recieved many nominations for both awards. But don't stop!! We need as much input as possible! Every nomination counts!

Nominations have ended!!!

- TheGeek - 2007.Feb.24 04:04 PM

In an interesting occurance, Zenith has agreed to post the title won in either category into each respective players profile! =]

- RZabel21 - 2007.Feb.24 06:26 PM

skywalker sux :x nova good lol Twisted

- Thor - 2007.Feb.24 06:28 PM

Award of the year.

Is this limited to people that were here in 2006 or can any1 get nominated?

- Ushanewnewba - 2007.Feb.25 03:56 AM

well i'd have to say it's open to everyone Smile Hopefully that gets poor little Wolverine some votes. Actually I wanna win both Smile hehe!