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level and stats effectiveness - Printable Version

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level and stats effectiveness - abysmalpoptart - 2007.Feb.21 09:25 PM

as it is right now, it seems that levels have a MUCH larger effect on ... well... everything when stats should be just as effective. ive only increased my stats maybe by 1 or 2 rating points since level 3 but my crime successes have gone up from 40% to about 90% (not on my success page, but recently ive been getting about 9/10 and in TOUGHER crimes).

i'm pretty sure this is how fighting is too, but how come levels are so much more important than stats? that doesnt really make sense, they should both be relatively equal. levels give you +hp and +energy and +actions, so shouldnt that be enough of an edge?

- Thor - 2007.Feb.21 09:54 PM

As of now, it is set to 70/30 in favor of the levels to affect fights (if my memory is good) and from reading a lot recently, seems it is about the same for crimes.

As I said in another topic, maybe we should consider bringing them to 50/50, would calm down the attacking spree every1 has been on for the past month or so.

A lot of things we re-balanced recently to be more realistic and give a chance to the lower guys, giving more importance to the stats sure wouldn't hurt either if you ask me.

- Jack Daniels - 2007.Feb.21 10:17 PM

hydro9226 Wrote:As of now, it is set to 70/30 in favor of the levels to affect fights (if my memory is good) and from reading a lot recently, seems it is about the same for crimes.

As I said in another topic, maybe we should consider bringing them to 50/50, would calm down the attacking spree every1 has been on for the past month or so.

A lot of things we re-balanced recently to be more realistic and give a chance to the lower guys, giving more importance to the stats sure wouldn't hurt either if you ask me.

Sarge couldn't help but notice the infamous "70/30" ratio again.........

- Thor - 2007.Feb.21 10:28 PM

Jack Daniels Wrote:
hydro9226 Wrote:As of now, it is set to 70/30 in favor of the levels to affect fights (if my memory is good) and from reading a lot recently, seems it is about the same for crimes.

As I said in another topic, maybe we should consider bringing them to 50/50, would calm down the attacking spree every1 has been on for the past month or so.

A lot of things we re-balanced recently to be more realistic and give a chance to the lower guys, giving more importance to the stats sure wouldn't hurt either if you ask me.

Sarge couldn't help but notice the infamous "70/30" ratio again.........
Ya, see my other post about that, in general discussion, hospital record topic.

- LordSkie - 2007.Feb.22 02:19 AM

Well, from what I can tell- early on, levels are indeed more valuable.

Here's the quick reason why- levels are easy as anything to gain early on (low xp requirements, and higher xp from crimes, same EP needed for fights in relation to max EP, roughly 1/3) whilst training stats is slow as anything (low level houses, low EP refresh rate).

What you'll find is, IMO, it starts at around an 80/20 ratio in favour of levels (that's just a random figure, it's got no basis- just to get the point across). As you grow in level, stats gradually become more and more effective, as the speed in which you train increases, and the rate you level at decreases. Eventually, training stats will become more worthwhile because you'll have a much higher EP refresh rate, good house, whilst your attacking will still be as slow as before, but now there's the added problem of needed tens of thousands of xp to level.

It's all a question of balance still though, increasing level increases AP and EP refresh rates, which in turn makes training better, so in my opinion it just levels out to a 50/50 ratio as you get stronger, levels never become invalid.