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defenselogs. - Printable Version

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defenselogs. - Monk - 2009.Jul.14 02:48 PM

when someone attacks me and loses it should show the type of attack they attempted on me. instead under attack type it just tells me that they were overpowered even though it already says WIN or LOSE right beside it in the first screen. What does AL think?...i think it should show us whether they were tryn to leave us for xp or hosp or mug me.

RE: defenselogs. - badmanbren - 2009.Jul.14 02:52 PM

Yes, would be nice to see so you could have a better reaction when they try hosps, or brutes would be worth a lot of stick then.

RE: defenselogs. - Monk - 2009.Jul.14 08:38 PM

yea. people could be getting away with attempting mugs or hosps. or even can hide the humiliation of losing a brezerk!

RE: defenselogs. - TommiTheTaco - 2009.Jul.14 08:42 PM

I'd like to see it stay hidden. More fun that way.

RE: defenselogs. - Monk - 2009.Jul.14 09:07 PM

yea i thought of that too. hence the poll having two options