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Vent at Wraith and Zen - ShadowKid - 2009.Jun.30 04:05 AM

So tell me is it one rule for me and everyone else i get banned from the forums yet tommi and dingus get a slap on the wrist i think they are far worse then me Zen if your gonna play favs in this game just fucking fed jail me since i have been getting attacked on this forum by that little bitch batgina ( ty superdude buddha and someelse) who constantly is annoying the shit out of me in game and on forums he is getting way to excited about beating a naked SK.

Either stop batting for sides or be a fair Admin. (Certain things come to my mind)

Now onto the most moronic mod ever Wraithlord WTF!!!! are you kidding me i say a few swear words and you give me a huge percentage in warning level this is bullshit plus your a bullshit mod my fucking granny could do a better job then you. You seem to have had a manly boost by getting to mod now you act as if your really great when infact your not. I shall be reporting you till i see mod taken away from you YOU constantly attack people on forums but since it is you and not me Zen will let that pass.

Pshhh fuck zen and wraith

Err all the way.

Sorry tommi and dingus but you are far worse then me and arnt even banned.

Btw Ush thanks for that warning not atleast you dont go overboard with it.

RE: Vent at Wraith and Zen - ZhuSeth - 2009.Jun.30 04:29 AM

[Image: law_angel.jpg]

The law is blind.

RE: Vent at Wraith and Zen - TheMace - 2009.Jun.30 04:45 AM

I vote for SKs Granny to be a mod lol

RE: Vent at Wraith and Zen - Dingus - 2009.Jun.30 05:29 AM

Job title means MODERATION not CENSORSHIP this is my only gripe

RE: Vent at Wraith and Zen - Batman - 2009.Jun.30 06:21 AM

(2009.Jun.30 04:05 AM)ShadowKid Wrote:  beating a naked SK.

You crazy player,you must say thanks to SG,he protected against me
Quote:Subject : shadowkid

i hope you know he was one of my first shadows and a very god friend of mine, i wish you would stop hosping him
Dude because he is my boss i stopped to hosp you.STFU

One more phrase and i will start to hosp you again,stupid n00b.

wow,now superdude is with buuddha,SK and Preacher is Anti-Batman team...


RE: Vent at Wraith and Zen - ShadowKid - 2009.Jun.30 06:32 AM

BAHAHAHAHA your calling me a noob learn the defenition of noob you moron i hate you i wouldnt piss on you if you were on fire and begging for my unrine.

i was gonna stop this Bull shit but now im not thanks batman you have made my day with "noob" lol you actually make me laugh with your daftness.

-SK- < was gonna stop that but now i am not.

RE: Vent at Wraith and Zen - ZhuSeth - 2009.Jun.30 06:35 AM

Love is in the air ..

RE: Vent at Wraith and Zen - Batman - 2009.Jun.30 06:41 AM

(2009.Jun.30 06:32 AM)ShadowKid Wrote:  i was gonna stop this Bull drek but now im not thanks Batman you have made my day with "noob" lol you actually make me laugh with your daftness.

Okay,you aren't a n00b,you are just a stupid fucking player.


1) A person who is new to a game (you are old but stupid)
2) A person who, regardless of experience, lacks the skill or copmetence to be competitive in a certain game
3) Someone who tends to whine or complain when being beaten at a game - often done by accussing more skilled opponents of hacking
4) One who may talk trash, claiming to be elite at a game, only to be beaten down by a better player, or will turn down any games when challenged by better players.
5) ShadowKid

Like other stupid imitators i will say to only a forum tag and is my PERSONAL TAG is -B-


RE: Vent at Wraith and Zen - ShadowKid - 2009.Jun.30 06:45 AM

lol your the one bragging to me about beating me up i didnt care until you kept pushing and pushing btw numbnuts your still calling me a noob at number 5.

And please they are made up noob defenitions someone like you actually only you could make a list like that dont tell me you typed that all up in word just for me because if you did i am touched deeply. HAHAHA.

-SK- < the original.

Also dog breath when the hell did i say i was a elite player.

RE: Vent at Wraith and Zen - Dingus - 2009.Jun.30 06:46 AM

Hi Batman......