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What do you think? - LikeWhoa - 2009.Jun.27 12:43 AM

i dont know if it'd be hard to do, or how zen/err would go about doing this, but would it be possible if we were able to receive a txt msg on certain events? you'd be able to select the events you'd want txt to you, for example; if someone declares a war on your gang or if someone hospitalizes you or if you sold something in the item market.
you would just check off which events you'd like to be sent to your phone.

i wouldnt mind being sent a txt to my phone when i'm hosp'd, or when someone declares on us.

just an idea, i dont know if AL would have to pay for this service or if it's a free service. i would imagine it would be free since a lot of websites help you send sms/txt msgs for free and phone carriers make money when people are receiving txt msgs.

i doubt this would go live, but it'd be cool since i know a lot of people play on their celly.

RE: What do you think? - TommiTheTaco - 2009.Jun.27 12:45 AM

Even though I don't have a cell phone, that sounds pretty nifty. +1 to it.

RE: What do you think? - LikeWhoa - 2009.Jun.27 01:02 AM

zen/err if you're truly interested. google mobile marketing or sms marketing.


In-game mobile marketing

There are essentially four major trends in mobile gaming right now: interactive real-time 3D games, massive multi-player games and social networking games. This means a trend towards more complex and more sophisticated, richer game play. On the other side, there are the so-called casual games, i.e. games that are very simple and very easy to play. Most mobile games today are such casual games and this will probably stay so for quite a while to come.

Brands are now delivering promotional messages within mobile games or sponsoring entire games to drive consumer engagement. This is known as mobile advergaming or Ad-funded mobile game.

RE: What do you think? - zenith - 2009.Jun.27 01:04 AM

I know google offers a free sms service, but from my knowledge there is a limit before they consider you flooding the system. I actually had all mails sent to me send me a message the same way over a year ago, and it stopped less than 5 hours into it because I received 200 mails for the day Smile

RE: What do you think? - LikeWhoa - 2009.Jun.27 01:29 AM

well i dont think google is focusing their market thro sms.

check out some other companies that do it. imagine something like... chase bank txting people about overdrafts/balances/ect.... but on a smaller scale.

like between 200-400 people (AL population)

i mean honestly tho, it might be a serious process but it doesnt hurt to check it out.

RE: What do you think? - Joshiwa - 2009.Jun.27 07:39 AM

Not everyone has to sign up for it either. If you find one with unlimited sms msg to send but it cost a little then you can make it a credit cost. I'd probably pay a little credit for it. I have US Cellular for phone service and all incoming call/text are free with them since you can't control when you get one, so it wouldn't really hurt my bill either.

RE: What do you think? - Marlo - 2009.Jun.27 08:02 AM

My only quam, is that it takes away from the surprise element f the game.

As nice as it would be to have an alert every time i get hosp'd or someone mugs a gang mate, part of the game is strategically picking your spots. If I scheme for moths to nail the villains at 4 am server time, and when I go to execute that plan, pun and the rest of the crew get an alert, poof there goes the plan.

RE: What do you think? - JakeBlues - 2009.Jun.27 05:03 PM

Some gangs have been known to use that system.

You don't need a fancy automated site to do that, but a ressourcefull reliable person.

RE: What do you think? - McCule - 2009.Jun.27 05:42 PM

It also takes away from coordination-aspect of a gang. Texting is a good weapon and imo if a gang doesn't have enough coordination down to text appropriately they shouldn't reap the benefits of the text.

RE: What do you think? - CrazyFoley - 2009.Jun.27 08:43 PM

(2009.Jun.27 01:04 AM)zenith Wrote:  I know google offers a free sms service, but from my knowledge there is a limit before they consider you flooding the system. I actually had all mails sent to me send me a message the same way over a year ago, and it stopped less than 5 hours into it because I received 200 mails for the day Smile

Aim does it for free, Ive sent well over 200 txts in one day and it didnt say anything.