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Best people of 2008-09 - Printable Version

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Best people of 2008-09 - errorist - 2009.Jun.22 07:17 PM

Im sick of seeing lame arguements about jerks.Lets list people who are decent.I did not know/interact with these guys before and they have suprised me with their "coolness"........

general(little old guy)

And allways cool
Beer Me

RE: Best people of 2008-09 - BlackHand - 2009.Jun.22 07:18 PM

I vote misfire and the witty comments

RE: Best people of 2008-09 - Brugada - 2009.Jun.22 07:22 PM

Besides SW, WS, TLDW, I would have to say all of the killer bees, PC, and the XXpats. Cool

RE: Best people of 2008-09 - fngMalvos - 2009.Jun.22 07:43 PM

Stormshadow for pres! Seriously though, he's always helped me out a ton and made this game so much fun.

Special mention to Shauno and Reknak too for bustin' me a lot.

RE: Best people of 2008-09 - xSleekx - 2009.Jun.22 07:55 PM

Jocosta / Whiterabbit / Nestavipers
Colonol Oniel

Ahh its too bad I couldn't get all of them under one roof in a gang, diplomacy fails, woulda been epic.

RE: Best people of 2008-09 - randomjacker - 2009.Jun.22 08:01 PM


RE: Best people of 2008-09 - spacebird - 2009.Jun.22 08:23 PM

(2009.Jun.22 08:01 PM)randomjacker Wrote:  Conrad


RE: Best people of 2008-09 - shadowlinger - 2009.Jun.22 08:30 PM

My good friends in RAGE, Stormshadow, SG, Wraithlord, Conrad, Jocasta, Proposition Joe, Demonknight, too many to list.

RE: Best people of 2008-09 - TommiTheTaco - 2009.Jun.22 08:33 PM


RE: Best people of 2008-09 - shadowlinger - 2009.Jun.22 08:34 PM

Oops i forgot tommi lol