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any advice? - Printable Version

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any advice? - shadowlinger - 2009.Apr.30 05:59 PM

how do i succeed at this Sniff Midlan Corporate Data crime? Any stat tricks or anything i need to know will be helpful

RE: any advice? - Punisher - 2009.Apr.30 06:00 PM

intel maybe

RE: any advice? - emocakes - 2009.Apr.30 06:28 PM

i have 12 ntel and i still fail

RE: any advice? - shadowlinger - 2009.Apr.30 06:40 PM

i guess ill stay away from that crime for a while then lol

RE: any advice? - Prophesy - 2009.Apr.30 07:00 PM

Intel, Intel, and more Intel,

and high character lvl,
I'd imagine since you're lvl 31 Psycho,
just pump more into intel

RE: any advice? - Thor - 2009.Apr.30 07:09 PM

22 intel and lvl 51 wont get you any better than a 70% success on that crime so you can already stop hoping to do it at lvl 25 and/or with 15 intel...