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stock market - Printable Version

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stock market - kingdom - 2009.Apr.26 09:10 AM

how about we add a stock market with a limit of stocks for every lvl like no stocks until lvl lets say 10
and you start with 25 stock limit and with every level you rise the limit rises by 5 stocks and we could have expensive but risky stocks and cheap but stable stocks and it runs like the real stock system sale and demand.
thanx for reading really looking foreward for this being implemented in the game i really put alot of thougth into it. Smile Smile

RE: stock market - JakeBlues - 2009.Apr.26 12:15 PM

Stocks of wich company?

Ares? Nimbus?

Based on wich quotes?

Your idea is not bad, but it does look like a lot of trouble for something on the side of a combat game...

RE: stock market - Canosoup - 2009.Apr.26 12:19 PM

How would these stocks play into housing, credit and item market prices?

RE: stock market - buuddha - 2009.Apr.26 12:30 PM

i know this is off topic but userid# in the 1200's?
wow, kingdom, your old school.

RE: stock market - TommiTheTaco - 2009.Apr.26 12:46 PM

I like it. I'll think about this later tonight, pin together some details that might make people interested, unless Kingdom does this himself.

Ask questions. -Will try to corelate information.-

RE: stock market - JagerBomb - 2009.Apr.26 02:56 PM

love the idea

RE: stock market - drec92 - 2009.Apr.26 03:50 PM

yea get some businesses going....

RE: stock market - kingdom - 2009.Apr.27 06:23 AM

(2009.Apr.26 12:30 PM)buuddha Wrote:  i know this is off topic but userid# in the 1200's?
wow, kingdom, your old school.

yup i quit for a while but im bak now

How would these stocks play into housing, credit and item market prices?

as for this i think it will make people make a little bit more money thats all make life a bit easier and also i think it will lead to more properties being availabe (for richer people)

yea get some businesses going....

thats exactly what i thought as in add more life to the game.
as they say you can go nowhere but up.

over and above
player + player onwed companies = more influnce of the player on the stock
(companies should have high standards and have people able to work for each other etc.....)

RE: stock market - lrrltt - 2009.Apr.27 06:42 AM

Nice idea..has some potential.

RE: stock market - DebbiePinson - 2009.Apr.27 08:48 AM

While we are at it, we can change the name of AL to Torn City