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Protection - Printable Version

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Protection - valleroy86 - 2007.Dec.28 08:53 PM

Anyone who hits 499ers will have my protection. Hosp any of them that ya want. This will be going on for a while. To get my protection, just make sure I'm online during the time of the hit, email me, I'll confirm it, and you will have my protection.

This is all yalls chance to get back at them. Yall choose weather or not to do it.

I will not be monitoring this post, so any posts after this I will not read.


- FaceOwner - 2007.Dec.28 09:05 PM

way to see both sides, buddy

- playajam - 2007.Dec.28 09:17 PM

pfft. you can't hospitalize the world zues.

- mudpies - 2007.Dec.28 09:50 PM

All right, it's come to that.

If any of you hit a 99er, your gang members may start getting hit online too. That's how this old school war stuff works, so be it. I don't want to hear any complaining if/when that happens.

You'd think we took down the WTC.

Don't push if you can't handle a shove.

- zappafrank - 2007.Dec.28 10:01 PM

Anyone who hits Zeus will rock [MAJORLY]. Hosp him all that ya want. This will be going on for a while. To get super bonus points, just make sure he's online during the time of the hit, email him, he'll pout and possibly cry, and you will be victorious.

This is all yalls chance to get back at him. Yall choose weather or not to do it.

I will be monitoring this post, so any posts after this I might read. If somebody can teach me. Please?? Sad


- BlackJeep - 2007.Dec.29 12:39 AM


The original post makes Corky from Life Goes On look like a genius.


Napoleon complex
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Napoleon complex is a colloquial term describing a type of inferiority complex which is said to affect some people who are physically short. The term is also used more generally to describe people who are driven by a perceived handicap to overcompensate in other aspects of their lives. This term is also known as Napoleon syndrome and Small Man syndrome.

- filthymick - 2007.Dec.29 01:10 AM

BlackJeep Wrote:BWAH!!!!!

The original post makes Corky from Life Goes On look like a genius.


Napoleon complex
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Napoleon complex is a colloquial term describing a type of inferiority complex which is said to affect some people who are physically short. The term is also used more generally to describe people who are driven by a perceived handicap to overcompensate in other aspects of their lives. This term is also known as Napoleon syndrome and Small Man syndrome.

i would like to add...Ron Jeremy syndrome to the list

- PropositionJoe - 2007.Dec.29 02:01 PM

- Jolabent - 2007.Dec.29 02:52 PM

Mindleftbody Wrote:

You know that is such a good one Joe, lol.

- playajam - 2007.Dec.29 04:51 PM

Funny your offering protection when you can't even protect your own gang members. I feel bad that everyone else in your gang has to take the brunt of the hits b/c of something YOU want.

i would be upset if i were them...