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Gang Attack Competition. - Printable Version

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Gang Attack Competition. - Marlo - 2009.Feb.17 06:30 AM

Quote:Midnight - 7:59:59 AM
Hideout Attack Challenge
The gang that causes the highest average damage per attack per member slot during this challenge will be rewarded a hideout bonus. Total damage will be averaged out by total strikes, then divided by member slots. Career bonuses can be used to boost normal attacks.

I am a little confused as to how the numbers were calculated. From reading the above stated rules, one would be led to believe that the total number of damage done over the course of the 8 hours (as long as there were at least 10 attacks per gang spot), divided by the number of gang slots would be your "highest average damage per attack per member slot".

If someone else interpreted it in the fashion with which it was used to calibrate the current results please explain it to me.

- TheMace - 2009.Feb.17 06:34 AM

I understood it as:

Total Damage divided by Number of Attacks = X

Then this X number divided by member slots.

- Marlo - 2009.Feb.17 06:43 AM

Great. Thanks Mace.

Awesome Contest Zen!


- TheMace - 2009.Feb.17 06:47 AM

The reason i saw it like that was because Zen has mentioned 2 lots of averaging out.

The first: "Total damage will be averaged out by total strikes"

The second: "then divided by member slots"

- Marlo - 2009.Feb.17 06:49 AM

Thanks again for the break down Mace.

- KillTheMFenemy - 2009.Feb.17 07:22 AM

Rank Gang Total Attacks Avg / Member Slot Best Hit

6 Dissidence 638 1.40 82

That was pretty nice.

2 Soldiers of Dissidence - Awesome work soldiers!

Congrulations for the winners, and a special recognition of good work of Dissident familly.


- TommiTheTaco - 2009.Feb.17 11:25 AM

Now, I don't have to feel like an ass when I get robbed in the jail busting part of the competition. Woo hoo.