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Offline Attacks - Printable Version

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Offline Attacks - Sam I Am - 2006.Jun.23 08:38 AM

Most offline attacks shouldn't been seen as a negative thing. If you think about it you can gain more exp from attacking a player who’s level is greater than yours than you can by doing crimes, plus you don't risk jail time, just hospital time if you lose which is on average 20 minutes. If you win in a battle against a higher level player you will gain a great deal of exp.

To clear things up on the three options at the end of a battle:
Mug them - This will result in gaining less exp from the victory but you will receive a random percentage of the cash the player has on them if any while only putting the defeated in the hospital for a short term.
Hospitalize - This will result in gaining less exp from the victory while at the same time putting the defeated in the hospital for the long term, usually hours. Be careful with this option because if you use it you are really saying something.
Leave them - This will result in the highest possible exp gain while only putting the defeated in the hospital for a short term.

So as you can see your best option when attacking people for exp is to leave them once you have defeated them.

Attacking people offline is a good way of gaining exp. The defeated lose a small amount of exp when they lose but nothing really worth getting upset over I don't think.

So the moral of the story is if you log in and see that you were attacked by a few people while you weren't online don't freak out. They have nothing against you , they are just trying to level up just like you.

Try not to attack people online unless you are trying to say something, attacking people while they are online just for exp ruins other peoples game play and you wouldn't want it to happen to you.

- Jack Daniels - 2006.Jun.23 08:41 AM

Excellent Post!!!

- Chris Mangano - 2006.Jun.23 11:09 AM

Yes, good post.

- zenith - 2006.Jun.23 12:18 PM

I know this is a game based on people playing criminals, and everyone is out to be as god as they can get. The problem arises when you continuously pick on a player. I'm talking 10+ attacks in less than 5 hours. That little amount of XP they lose can blossom.

I am not saying it is against the rules; this is part of the game. Neither am I interested in setting a precedent on combat behavior. But continuous attacks on the same player while they are offline lead to complaints. Then it leads to players leaving.

I know everyone who plays the game won't have the same definition of fun. Everyone here comes from different backgrounds and wouldn't be here if they didn't enjoy it. Ruining the fun for others is a bit disappointing if done intentionally.

If you are going to attack someone for experience frequently, it would behoove you to let the other person know what your motive is.

I know the players involved, and I know this wasn't done intentionally to ruin someone's enjoyment of the game. Just be more careful.

- Chris Mangano - 2006.Jun.23 02:42 PM

If you attack someone and defeat them, they lose xp?

- zenith - 2006.Jun.23 02:46 PM


- Jack Daniels - 2006.Jun.23 03:05 PM

On average, how much do they lose?

- zenith - 2006.Jun.23 05:23 PM

It's all dependent of who hits who. It's a level difference thing.

- Jack Daniels - 2006.Jun.23 08:17 PM

Thanks for the info......I didn't know that the loser of a battle lost exp.....and definetly didn't know if fluctuated.

- brythompson - 2006.Jun.24 04:02 AM

I did not know the looser lost exp. I have been happily attacking people whilst they are off line for the Exp. I will be more careful now. Sorry to anyone i have been attacking, i did it for exp and nothing else. I hope i am not the person Zen is talking about but if i am then i am truely sorry if i have spoilt someones fun.

BTW great post