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everyone plz come to downtown - Printable Version

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everyone plz come to downtown - filthymick - 2009.Jan.05 04:53 PM

okay heres the deal, i wanna attack every registered player in the game atleast once, win lose or stalemate. thing is i cant get to some districts, and cant afford others.

i kno alot of u could prolly pull this off alot easier and faster then me, so plz no stealin my idea. im just gonna go down the user list and hit everyone in order so ill be spendin alot of time in the hosp and jail help me out if u see me there lol.

thanx everyone

- ShadowKid - 2009.Jan.05 04:54 PM


- shadowinc - 2009.Jan.05 04:55 PM

sounds fun

- RenegadeJEDI - 2009.Jan.05 05:07 PM

I had that idea but quickly decided against it...

Re: everyone plz come to downtown - Mock8800 - 2009.Jan.05 05:08 PM

Why? Seems like a waste of energy. I'll let you know when I'm their but should be awhile before you get to my id.

- BL00DYHAZ3 - 2009.Jan.05 05:12 PM

Wow Mick you must be bored to come up with such a activity such as this man.

- filthymick - 2009.Jan.05 05:19 PM

i just wanna earn a tag and i suck at contests

- TommiTheTaco - 2009.Jan.05 05:39 PM

Um..This sounds like some evil ploy to get everyone in Downtown..

- Howl - 2009.Jan.05 05:50 PM

dude i just paid my way up to the beach, I'm not turning around now...

- Shotokan - 2009.Jan.05 05:54 PM

i think bigrod would have a tag as he's hit almost everyone in the game in a day