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Google Advertisements - Printable Version

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Google Advertisements - zenith - 2006.Nov.15 06:34 PM

Err and I have discussed adding Google Adsense to our pages to boost our advertising budget for game growth, and now we want to see what our community thinks about this.

Our proposal is to place Google Adsense ads on various pages of our forums/site in a way that doesn't distract from the game while giving good visibility to the ads. We don't want these ads to get in the way, and if they are added donators will have an option to turn them off if they want (or leave them on if they think it will help the game's growth).

We honestly have no idea what sort of revenue will be generated, so things will have to be tested. But any revenue made will be directly funding game growth via online ads for our own game.

What are your thoughts?

- Scipio - 2006.Nov.15 06:36 PM

I'd have to see the end result but if it helps the game grow I am for it, anything can be overdone, but a few ads are easily ignored. Smile

- zenith - 2006.Nov.15 06:39 PM

Scipio Wrote:I'd have to see the end result but if it helps the game grow I am for it, anything can be overdone, but a few ads are easily ignored. Smile

As stated, donators will have the option to turn them off in their preferences. So if you absolutely hated the idea and you were a donator, you could turn them off and go on to normal game mode.

- Eaglefreak - 2006.Nov.15 06:45 PM

I like how you get the opinions of the players before, during, and after your upgrades. Thanks for keeping us informed!

I'm pretty sure if it "flops", you'll hear about it!

Gives people another insentive to become a donator

- Eaglefreak - 2006.Nov.15 06:46 PM

do I any brown stuff still on my nose? went to the restroom to wipe it off after that last post lol

- zenith - 2006.Nov.15 06:51 PM

Eaglefreak Wrote:do I any brown stuff still on my nose? went to the restroom to wipe it off after that last post lol

I think you got it off your nose, but you missed some behind your ear.

- Eaglefreak - 2006.Nov.15 06:52 PM

did you do a search to find that?

A google search?

- matt5250 - 2006.Nov.15 08:36 PM

sounds like a decent idea to me, especially if it was a somewah temporary thing, get enough people and you don't have to advertise anymore. word of mouth takes over. the option to hide them for donators is also a well thought part of the idea. I approve, overall.

- Eaglefreak - 2006.Nov.15 08:40 PM

OK then that's settled, Matt approves! you don't have listen to anyone elses opinions. lol

- matt5250 - 2006.Nov.15 09:15 PM

of course. lol.