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Seeking a bit of advice. - Printable Version

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Seeking a bit of advice. - Flaxon - 2006.Oct.23 04:57 PM

I'm level 2 now, and I have 7 AP and 14 EP, my dex and my str have both been upgraded once, and I'm a janator at the fast-food place.

My question is this: What should I be doing? I try doing crimes to make some money and get some level exp, but it's going so incredibly slow, I'm just worried I'm missing out on something obvious.

If not, and it's just slow going, thats fine too, but I could use some advice about which stats I should train and what crimes I should be attempting.

I don't know how much of this advice I'm asking for is allowed to be giving, but I was hoping I could get a little bit of guidence to help me get started. Thanks a bundle in advance.


- Druchii - 2006.Oct.23 05:01 PM

get dex, alot of dex, start doing pickpocketting. save up to get house.

thats basically it in the beginning. the better house the better the training

- LuparKoor - 2006.Oct.23 05:38 PM

Well, from the sound of it, you're trying to level just from the EXP gained from crimes. If you want to level the fastest way, you're gonna want to attack level 1's (that aren't online) or even level 2's if you can pull it off. Doing this and choosing to leave them in shame gives you alot more exp than crimes do.

- oddjob - 2006.Oct.23 05:56 PM

ya. all the aforementioned advice is really good.

you are not missing anything obvious. granted, the game is a little slow and frustrating in the beginning, but i promise it gets much better after you advance a couple levels.

you will most likely be stuck doing simple con-game crimes for a little while longer though.

and yes, as mentioned, upgrade your house as soon (and as often) as possible.

- Flaxon - 2006.Oct.23 10:04 PM

Thanks for the advice everyone.

I'm only marginally successfull at combat...but at least I don't lose all my Xp when I get caught beating someone up. Biggrin

Don't suppose anyone will loan me a few bucks for some phys-ed? Razz lol j/k

- LuparKoor - 2006.Oct.23 10:23 PM

I don't think you could start it til you hit level 3 anyways.

It has a minimum energy requirement that I believe requires you to have a full energy bar at level 3

- Druchii - 2006.Oct.23 10:54 PM

i dont think you should be wasting energy on attacking that early, just practice dexterity, and do pickpocketting once dexterity goes above 3-4.

once you start levelling up, the amount of Energy Points and Action Points you get each 5min will increase. I personally get 6Energy Points a tick and 4 Action Points. So working your butt of to get up is definately worth it.