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When you can't send items and/or money to friends! - Printable Version

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When you can't send items and/or money to friends! - hawaiian - 2008.Aug.18 10:54 PM

My friend is playing this game, and I'm trying to send him a weapon.

But it says that Similar IP item transfers are prohibited for non-donators. If you feel you reached this message in error, please contact us in the Player Assistance forums.

And we do live in the same state but we live in a different area.

Corrected spelling.


- Jolabent - 2008.Aug.18 11:51 PM

Mail Zenith (ID 2) or Err (ID 3) I am sure they will assist you Smile

- mudpies - 2008.Aug.19 05:50 AM

Jolabent Wrote:Mail Zenith (ID 2) or Err (ID 3) I am sure they will assist you Smile

There should be a sticky thread about this.

- Druchii - 2008.Aug.19 07:48 AM

Thread is stickied for future people with the same problems, feel free to add the same useful advices as we did last time, or the time before that. And the time before that time, before that time.

You get the picture.

- alinutza - 2008.Aug.19 07:55 AM

could you edit the title too?

- Druchii - 2008.Aug.19 08:02 AM


- alinutza - 2008.Aug.19 08:21 AM


- bigchaz - 2008.Dec.04 06:30 PM

zen u need to fix this i have troubloe buying alot of things from the market

RE: When you can't send items and/or money to friends! - IronMan47 - 2009.Jun.12 09:27 AM

i cant send a weapon to my friend and he lives in a whole other stateQuestionScream

RE: When you can't send items and/or money to friends! - Brugada - 2009.Jun.12 10:00 AM

Contact Err. I had this problem last week with money, he correctly the problem quickly.